Wuhan Sriz auf der DJI AirWorks Konferenz Las Vegas 2022

Wuhan Sriz auf der DJI AirWorks Konferenz Las Vegas 2022

DJI AirWorks is the world's leading commercial drone conference, Design von Flugsimulatorenund ein Networking-Hub für globale Drohnenexperten für Innovationen im Bereich der Drohnentechnologie und neues Wachstum in der Drohnenindustrie. Er befasst sich mit den neuesten Produkteinführungen in der Drohnenindustrie, zeigt die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen bei der Anwendung von Drohnendaten und hebt hervor, wie Drohnen autonome Arbeitsabläufe in den Bereichen Energie, öffentliche Sicherheit, Vermessung und Kartierung, Präzisionslandwirtschaft und vielen anderen Branchen ermöglichen können, um eine effizientere, produktivere und bessere Gesellschaft zu erreichen.

SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
The AirWorks 2022 had attracted more than 1000 participants from over 46 countries, bringing together DJI's extensive ecosystem of drone services providers, solution providers, authorized resellers and end users partners. It had offered opportunities for Wuhan Sriz to present our latest developments in drone flight simulations, which includesSESP-U1  SRIZFLY Flight Simulator, the STS-H1  Electricity Flight Simulator, and the D4S-V1 swarm drone flight simulator. We had shared our drone virtual simulation system technologies and developments, provided a complete set of training solutions which attracted the attentions of many exhibitors and visitors, we also offered hand-on training experiences on Srizfly Simulators which received many positive feedbacks.
SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
As Drone technology continually pushes the limits of what is possible and these innovations lift the drone industry's future to new heights. Wuhan Sriz has been witnessing what the drone industry has to offer, we will keep  focusing on the leading directions of the industry, striving for innovations in research and developments, providing the new professional drone simulation training solutions for the industry.
SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
SESP-U1 UAV Application Simulation Training System
Design von Flugsimulatoren